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As the Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Wiedenest we belong to the Union of Eangelical Free Churches in Germany. In 1942, this official church resulted from the union of Baptist Churches and Brethren Churches.
We are an evangelical free church because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. By his grace he saved us and only by believing in him we can stand before the Lord and be right in his eyes.
We are a free church and we support freedom of faith and freedom of conscience. We support a clear separation of church and state. We come up with our own financial needs through voluntary donations by our members. In our church you don‘t need to be baptized or a member right away. We want you to get baptized based on your own personal relationship with God and you need to request to be a member of our church.
We avow ourselves to the statement of faith by the Evangelical Alliance and we work together with other local christians. We are an independent church within the alliance and we take care of our own church matters independently.


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EFG Wiedenest
Bahnhofstr. 28
51702 Bergneustadt

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